Combats the adult forms, larvae, and eggs of gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes most important in cattle, sheep, and goats, as well as acting on trematodes such as Fasciola hepatica.
Albendazole 5.00g and Vehicle q.s.p. 100.00ml
Beef cattle, goats, and sheep.
Haemonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp., Bunostomum spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Nematodirus spp., Chabertia spp., Dictyocaulus viviparus, Neoascaris vitulorum, Trichuris vulpis, Capillaria spp., Strongyloides spp., Dictyocaulus filaria, Moniezia spp., Fasciola hepatica.
1 litro and 5 liters
14 days for slaughter. 72 hours for human consumption of milk.
Cattle: Gastrointestinal and pulmonary worms: 1 ml / 10 kg of body weight. Type II Ostertagia: 1.5 ml / 10 kg of body weight. Fasciola hepatica: 2 ml / 10 kg of body weight. In high infestations, the dose can be up to 3 ml for every 10 kg of body weight, with a maximum dose of up to 150 ml per adult animal.
Sheep and goats: Use 1 - 2 ml for every 20 kg of body weight, with a maximum dosage of 5 ml per adult animal.
Do not administer to pregnant females during the first 45 days of gestation.
Route of Administration
Oral administration, using a dosing gun.