Conventional Seeds
The commercialization of forage seeds is done through a factor known as Cultural Value (C.V.). The C.V. is obtained through calculation using the percentage of purity and germination (or viability) of the seeds.

Encrusted Seeds GREEN STAR® GOLD Series
The Incrusted Seeds GOLD GREEN STAR® Series are the new seed line from Matsuda, the first forage seed technology that combines the importance of environmental sustainability with profitability. The GOLD GREEN STAR® seeds feature a unique and unprecedented technology in Brazil: the first microplastic-free incrustation technology (MPF) and are protected with microorganisms that help control soil nematodes and fungi.

Encrusted MIX Seeds
The Encrusted MIX Seeds are developed with the technology of the GOLD+ Encrusted Seed Series, bringing to the rural producer the best of pasture seed technology.

Incrusted Seeds GOLD+ Series
The GOLD+ Series Encrusted Seeds bring to rural producers the best in pasture seed technology. The seed quality is guaranteed by over 40 years of experience from the Matsuda Group in seed production, processing, analysis, and commercialization of forage seeds, in partnership with Incotec, a world-leading company in seed treatment and coating.

Incrusted Seed GOLD Star Series
The Incrusted Seed Gold Star Series presents the same characteristics and qualities as the Gold+ Series technology, with the difference of having a smoother and more flexible coating, thus providing better flow during sowing, and resistance to minor impacts.

Seeds with Polymer
The application of polymer on forage seeds provides them with a thin protective layer around them. This layer, besides improving seed flow and reducing dust release, enhances the adhesion of active ingredients and additives that may be incorporated with the seed.

Chemically Scarified Seeds
The seeds undergo a chemical treatment, exclusive to Matsuda, which uses sulfuric acid. In this process, the glumes and lemmas are removed from the seeds (seed coats). The purpose of the treatment is to aid the absorption of oxygen and water by the seeds, as well as to reduce their dormancy.

Seeds with Fungicides
The treatment of forage seeds with fungicides aims to protect the seeds against storage and soil fungi.

Seeds with Insecticides
The treatment of forage seeds with insecticides aims to protect the seeds and seedlings against attacks from underground insects, carriers, and cutters, such as armyworms, termites, ants, crickets, and grasshoppers. For seed treatment, Matsuda uses registered products for pastures.